Hello Customer, a Podcast About Delivering Extraordinary Customer Experience

Osiris - 'Thinking outside the shoe box', Listening to connect with customers - Hello Customer Podcast / Season One / Fashion

Episode Summary

For Brian Reid, founder of Osiris, incredible sneakers are not a commodity. Each pair is a piece of art. And to continually find inspiration for his art and craft, he travels the world, watching, listening, and most importantly -- skating. It’s the only way he has discovered to stay true to the “16-year-old” at heart so he can continue to connect with his customers even at age 40.

Episode Notes

For Brian Reid, founder of Osiris, incredible sneakers are not a commodity. Each pair is a piece of art. And to continually find inspiration for his art and craft, he travels the world, watching, listening, and most importantly -- skating. It’s the only way he has discovered to stay true to the “16-year-old” at heart so he can continue to connect with his customers even at age 40.
The beginnings of the 20-year-old brand were humble, built on the trust of a small, founding team, and a “just go for it” mentality. There to help build a solid foundation was a trusted advisor, thanks to one of the founders’ family members. Even so, Reid knows that every company has a honeymoon phase and should be prepared for the slump that inevitably comes after several years as the hot new thing. There will always be a next hot thing after you, so as a brand you have to be prepared, ready to find new ways to stay fresh.
It is storytelling and necessity that intersects with each Osiris design, like the stash pocket created for professional skaters constantly on the go, or the collaborations with local artists to express themselves with very few limitations. And to keep the brand accessible, Osiris doesn’t shy away from big box retailers like Journeys or Zumiez. Keeping contact with consumers is a higher priority than buying into any myths about big-box stores being completely impersonal; in fact, Reid has been able to work closely with top leaders of these stores and “cool buyers” to make quick, smart decisions together and better understand the user.

Key takeaways